Friday, January 08, 2016

Soap & Glory | The Righteous Butter Review

The first time I smelt the scent of Soap & Glory's The Righteous Butter, I loved it. The second time around (and this was on the same day, mind you) that I smelt it, I thought that the smell was too strong (which explains why I never got around to buying it; the price is also pretty steep where I live for a body butter).

Then, I went to London and saw the Christmas gift limited edition of The Righteous Butter on sale after Christmas. The tub of The Righteous Butter is in a pretty pink tin drum designed to be hung on a Christmas tree. In fact, it was going at half price and I have to admit that I was pretty difficult for me to pass up the opportunity of trying it out but guess what --- I walked away from it since I thought that the scent is a tad too strong for my liking. At that time, there were many drums of The Righteous Butter on the shelve at the Soap & Glory section of half off products.

But at home, I found myself thinking about it and visiting the Boots website to look at it. I went back to Boots two days later and guess what? The shelve was empty!!! I searched Boots high and low and after some time of persistent searching, finally found one abandoned drum sitting on another shelf in the store, clearly having been discarded by another shopper. I quickly grabbed it, feeling lucky to find it.

The strong smell of The Righteous Butter doesn't last long, so that's okay with me. The texture is thick and feels wonderful when applied onto my skin right after a warm shower especially in winter when it is dry. Would I buy it again? I've yet to decide on that one as I find the scent a tad too strong for my liking.

Soap & Glory |The Righteous Butter
200 ml
Made in the UK
£5.00 (Normal Retail Price), I got mine for £2.50 (Half Price After Xmas Sale at Boots, London)

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