Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Renewing Your Malaysian Passport

Here's what you need to know if you're about to renew your Malaysian passport:

1. Mugshots are no longer required. Mugshots are taken on the spot at the counter together with your scans of your thumbprints.

2. Wear a dark colored top as the background for the photograph is now white.

3. You need to have:
a. Your existing passport
b. Your My Kad
c. RM200

4. There are no forms to fill out for the renewal of passports.

5. The Immigration Dept in KL is situated in the Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) and is bigger and is a more comfortable environment than the Immigration Dept in Kelana Jaya as the whole complex is air-conditioned.

6. Whichever location you decide to go to, get there early.

7. External parking is free in KDN.

8. Getting your passport in an hour's time? Yup, that's true but it's one hour from the point of payment and not from the point of you arriving at the Immigration Dept itself.

9. The whole process could take HOURS. Be prepared to wait. Bring something to read or do to kill time.

10. Avoid school holidays if you can. FYI, the whole process took me approximately four hours and twenty five minutes from start to finish today as it's the school holidays (lucky me...NOT!!!).

You can read more about my experience by clicking on the following links:
Passport Renewal Adventure Episode 2
Passport Renewal Adventure Episode 1

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