Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Passport Renewal Adventure Episode 2

Trying to renew your passport during the school holidays is to be avoided at all costs unless you're like me and you haven't the slightest clue as to when the school holidays are. I did consider having my passport renewed in December but I didn't want to leave it too late in case there were any "technical issues" going on at the Immigration Dept.

After the Immigration Office Adventure Episode 1 (read about it here), I decided to try another location and surprise, surprise, it's much closer to home!

I got there around 8:15 AM and luckily, was able to park in one of the last few parking spaces available (outdoor and FREE!!!).

The external carpark is free of charge!

Once again, the officer tasked with giving out the number was a PITA (Pain-In-The-Ass and oh, by the way, it was a female officer this time).

I got a number at 8:20 AM. I was number 1199 which means that 198 people got there ahead of me.

Number 1199 at 8:20 AM

I went to breakfast at Kayu Nasi Kandar. Nasi Lemak Biasa and a bottle of mineral water cost RM4.75. Nothing great, but at least I wasn't going to go hungry for the next few hours.

 Nasi Lemak Biasa and Mineral Water Brekkie

Kayu Nasi Kandar on the Ground Floor

At around 9:00 AM, there was an announcement over the PA system. Surprise, surprise, they were experiencing "technical difficulties" and people who were urgently in need of passports renewed were advised to go to the other branches. Many people left, I persevered. I figured that if many left, than it would work out in my favour as there would be less than 198 people ahead of me now. I'm not complaining!

At least there are ample number of seats here

My number was called only at around 11:00 AM. The procedure itself was quite quick. No pictures are required now (those are the old days folks).

Mugshots are taken on the spot now. Just make sure that you wear a dark colored top or else they might make you wear a jacket as the background for the passport pic is now white. The mugshots are in black and white now.

I then had to wait to be called again at another counter in order to pay RM200 for a five year renewal (technically only 4 and a half years since you can't do any travelling with the last 6 months on your passport).

Payment was made at 11:33 AM. The officer was nice and pleasant. He informed me that my passport would be ready for collection after 2 PM and I was thinking --- WHAT??? Still, I smiled, the guy was nice and was only doing his job.

Payment Time: 11:33:46


Still, I decided to wait till 12:30 just to see if I might be lucky and that my passport would be ready by then. Otherwise, I just might have to come back another day as I had spent already half a day there (and therefore, away from the office).

Luckily for me, my passport was ready at 12:40 PM. The officer at the pick up zone was female and polite too. I can't imagine how long I would have to have waited had all those folks not left after the announcement earlier in the morning.

I'm just glad that I managed to get it done today.

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