Sunday, May 03, 2015

Gratitude Day 14

Today, I'm grateful for:
1. Being able to snag the last two HeatTech hoodies on the shelf for Grizz
2. Having the energy to walk over 17k steps today :)
3. Finally checking out the Book Xcess outlet in Farenheit
4. Getting a black cardie at a steal of a price! (It's certainly been a long time since I bought something that cheap!)
5. Not blowing a lot of $$$
6. Finding bargains
7. It not raining while I was out today :)
8. The loos not being full in Pavillion
9. Today being super busy despite it being a public holiday today (perhaps most people are spending the long weekend out of town)
10. Going to the city with Ole Faithful :)
11. Doing a little clear up before leaving home in the AM.

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