Monday, October 18, 2010

simply NOT nice

there is only one way to describe rusty's behavior towards plump girl today --- RUDE!!!

why do the students adore him???  the female students were dreamily telling me that he "has a nice car, it's 2.0" and that he has "his own company".  one even went on to say that "i can be with him because he is always busy doing something" = meaning that he would be a good provider.

okay, so can somebody please explain to me why the hell is he working as a part-time english teacher???  he even asked kadesh how much a full time teacher makes --- a sign that he is considering a full time position.

and oh, i'm sure he's always busy doing something --- he's busy shagging MEN!!!  oh, in case i haven't mentioned it before, we suspect that rusty's gay.

the girls are no doubt shallow but i wonder if they are aware that a teacher's salary isn't enough to pay for fancy wheels which cost 125k brand new.  when are they gonna realize that the fancy spanky wheels are courtesy of rusty's wealthy boyfriend???  yup, sorry girls... he's a taker! (how else would he be able to afford such wheels???)  :P

i don't know about you but rude is NOT hot in my books.

real men don't park cars in a shopping mall and then not know where they left them!  rusty took the girls to 1-utama one day and then got lost looking for his car.  a sure sign of not possessing a male brain, i'm afraid.

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