Monday, October 04, 2010

gone :(

went into the office this morning after a week away from the office, saw nat and she told me and another colleague of mine who had also just come back from a week's break that "oh, btw, today's my last day".

i was surprised as she handed in her notice in the middle of last month (after raya) and her last day should have been on october 13.  apparently, the dos decided to let her go earlier.  the dos, when announcing her leaving, was very clinical about it.

i hugged her goodbye before my class began for the day and i knew i was going to miss her.  she's like a kid sister to me.  why can't the centre hold onto staff???

so out with nat and shah, and in with three new faces, one of which is australian (and judging by his mannerisms today, seems to come packed with a lot of attitude).  it's his first day at work and he was already getting annoyed about minor things.  okay, the place isn't the most organized and some people seem to be fond of instructing others (or maybe it's just a lack of social interaction skills??? i don't know...) but surely he can keep his thoughts to himself on his very first day at work???

okay, so i'm guessing that the mat salleh sheep isn't gonna last that long... a month tops??? stay tuned...

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