Wednesday, October 20, 2010

eat, pray, love by Elizabeth Gilbert

this is my latest just completed read.  truth be told, this is one book that i have heard a lot of hype about (oprah was raving about it), kept picking up a copy and browsing through it in bookstores but never really felt the urge to purchase it (it wasn't on my list of must reads).

so, how did i get around to reading the book?  well, i was talking about it with a colleague at work and i happened to mention that i thought that it was a lot of hype, that it was written from an american's perspective about "finding spirituality" when really it is nothing more than about the writer's mid-life crisis and realization that she wanted to get out of her present life.  it is about being able to slow down and accept things as they come rather than expecting things to happen as often is expected by western values.

so, this colleague of mine offered me the book to read as although she bought the book four months ago, she never got around to completing it (she only got as far as readubgting the first part of the three part book) as there were too many parts of the writer sobbing on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night.  that was when she offered it to me... it was kind of a challenge, sort of "see how far you can get before you give up on it".

although i never found the book as enlightenig as oprah, and perhaps half of the world, did, i did finish reading the book.  okay, it was readable but was there anything i found enlightening in it? sadly, no  :(

like i said before, it would be enlightening if you're an american indulging in way too much of me, me, me, i guess.

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