Sunday, October 03, 2010


:(  :(  :(

it's too quiet
there's too much space
i'd rather have the space filled up
it's nice not having to do everything by myself
it's nice figuring things out with someone

it's nice...
... having someone to push the trolley full of mineral water
... having someone to decide if the pair of shoes is happening or not
... having someone to hold the shoe boxes in a shoe sale while i go scout for more
... having someone guard the shoes that i have selected way from other potentially crazy women shoppers while i go look at other shoe designs
... having someone to have breakfast with... and lunch... and tea... and dinner... and supper
... having someone open the door for me
... having someone to eat ice cream at night with
... having someone to walk with
... having someone to watch the world go by with
... having someone to share books with
... having someone to go shopping for happening toilet seats with
... having someone to shop for books with
... having someone to talk to about what's happening (or not happening) at work
... having someone hold my hand
... having someone to share a meal with
... having someone to have a laugh with
... having someone to bounce ideas with
... having someone to share a bottle of mineral water with
... having someone go to the mechanic with
... having someone to ride in cabs with when the car is in the workshop over the weekend
... having someone to share my thoughts with
... having someone to go to the bookcrossing zone with to select books
... having someone to help decide if a handbag is happening or not
... having someone pick a really nice and happening handbag in a colour that i would not normally select on my own

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