Saturday, February 06, 2010

the story: the beginning

here are the characters:
siamese cat
material girl
peter pan

Strange sayings in the nite

Pillsbury has been saying some pretty strange things to Craftsman. There is great likelihood that Pillsbury says these things to Craftsman with the intention that Craftsman will convey the message to the commoners. These revelations are normally conveyed to Craftsman at night. Unknown to Pillsbury, Craftsman has no intentions of becoming the messenger.

The Royal court incapable of appreciating a good piece of art

The Royalty wasn't impressed with Peter Pan. It isn't Peter Pan's fault. The Royalty (as is often the case) just doesn't know how to appreciate a good artist.

Pillsbury thinks that the solution is to present the Royalty with a bouquet of lilies. Pillsbury thinks that lilies will make his shop smell good. Never mind that the lilies aren't qualified in the required area and don't know the technicalities that come with the art, nor do they know the lines to the script.

He thinks that the Royalty will be in awe of lilies which they could very well be but it isn't ethical to present someone who has no technical skills and expect the Royal family to be acquire some skills in the art of Kama Sutra in return.  

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