Wednesday, February 10, 2010

the monsoon

There was drama at work. The teacher who was told that her services were no longer needed threw a fit in the teachers' room.

She was annoyed (and who could blame her for feeling that way) and probably hurt too. She has been teaching for over 30 years and this has never happened to her before. She was close to tears when I arrived at the scene. It was ackward --- I didn't know what to do. I walked in, saw the scene going on and slowly turned the other way around and left the room.

I think the students just have absolutely NO idea what they are turning away. They say that her classes are boring... but don't you learn even from boring classes??? Thing is, teacher is in her 70's and you don't expect someone that age to break into a song and dance in her classroom. She was trained in the day and age when you don't have fun in the classroom but does that make her a bad teacher by today's standards???

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