Friday, February 12, 2010


Strange things are happening at work. I have to look for another job. I don't like how the current place is run. I don't agree with the management's decision. They make some pretty strange decisions. 

Students have successfully removed one teacher. They seem to play favourites. You are not valued for your knowledge and what you can bring to the table. You are valued for making the students happy (never mind if all that you do is talk the whole time and no real learning takes place). 

Students seem to think that talking to a native speaker will make their speech better. Thing is, native speakers are unable to detect and correct inaccuracies in students' languages but they speak with the right accent and that is all that matters.

I doubt if the students can tell the difference between a trained teacher and an untrained one, but that is all unimportant. All that matters to them is that the teacher sounds the part.

Many of them tell me that they want to live in an inner circle country. They have no idea that inner circle countries are not interested in taking in Middle Easterners.    

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