Tuesday, February 16, 2010

a happier me :)

I came across this article entitled Loving your Day Job and Your Life by Summer Pierre . Many of us are unhappy in our day jobs. What can we possibly do to make our jobs a happier occcurence in our lives?

Summer Pierre, suggests avoiding office gossip like the plague as it can be draining --- how very true. As much as it may be a way to create intimacy with the others at work, it also can drag you down as there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it, so why indulge in gossip in the first place?

This is something that I absolutely MUST work on as I have a hard time trying to distance myself away from people at work who come to me with office gossip. I really MUST leave work as soon as I am finished with my last class of the day. To hell with office gossip!! All it does is generate negative vibes.

She also says that we need to figure out what abundance means for us. I totally agree with this.

Many people associate abundance with money but is it really all about money or could abundance be interpreted on other terms? How do you define 'abundance'?

For me, it is the level of sanity that I can have in a day. The ability to have 'me time' to do the things that I love (for me that means being able to read books... and lots of it!!!). Of lately, that would also mean being able to have time to workout and not feel sooo knackered at the end of the workday that I feel like not working out at all.

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