Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Review: OXY Oil Control Moisturizer

Confession: I've not been using moisturiser for the longest time. The reason behind this is simple --- I've oily skin and every moisturiser that I've tried before this has made my already very oily skin an oily mess (not sexy, trust me!).

Last week, though, I fell asleep with my Freeman's Black Sugar Charcoal Mask on my face (it was only to be used for 7 minutes before being rinsed off). I rinsed it off after I woke up (which was hours later) and the skin on my chin was dry and itchy and that was when I actively looked for a moisturiser in hope that it would offer my skin some much needed relief.

I wanted a moisturiser that wouldn't cost a lot of moolah since I've got a record of ditching my moisturiser half way through if I found that it made me more oily than before I started using it. My research at the local drugstore brought to light many possible moisturisers all claiming to be suitable for oily skin but my online research of the products revealed that many didn't work well on oily skin such as my own. There was, however, one product that seemed to be loved by many online reviewers.

Enter the OXY Oil Control Moisturizer which thankfully is a drugstore brand and doesn't cost a bomb (phew!). It is, I need to mention, not easy to come by in the drugstores. I purchased mine at the Guardian in One Utama Shopping Centre with my existing credit on my OneCard, so, it really cost me nothing.

The OXY Oil Control Moisturizer comes packaged in a pump bottle which is a plus in my books. The bottle itself, however, is an opaque white plastic bottle which I'm not really a fan of as I won't be able to see how much more product is left in the bottle over time.

The product itself is a white colored gel that smells a tad mediciney but the smell doesn't linger for long. I only use a tiny amount and I expect this bottle to last me a looonnggg time. It dries fairly quickly too, which is another plus in my books. So far, it has not made my skin more oily than before, so I'm quite happy in that department. 

Now, all I've got to figure out is how to get my primer and my foundation to work in sync. My foundation tends to literally slide in the midday. I think it could be due to my primer, but I'm not too sure about that. That's something that I've got to explore more.

OXY Oil Control Moisturizer
Made in China
Normal Retail Price:  RM15.85 (I got mine for RM13.45 as it was on sale)
Available from: Selected Guardian and Watsons 

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