Sunday, July 17, 2016

Review: Boots Zingy Berries and Cream Shower Gel

I love anything berries. I came across the Boots Zingy Berries and Cream shower gel while I was in Bangkok. I was on the lookout for a shower gel to use while I was there as the shower gel that was supplied by the hotel that I was staying at was cheap and nasty.

The Boots Zingy Berries and Cream shower gel smells heavenly and it lathers up nicely with loads of suds. It was on sale (reduced from 120 Bath to 490 Bath).

This is definitely a love for me. In fact, I loved it so much that I went back and purchased two more bottles to take home with me.

Boots Zingy Berries and Cream Shower Gel
250 ml/ 8.4 fl oz
Made in UK
Normal Retail Price:  120 Bath (I got mine for 490 Bath as it was on sale. I got a further 5% Tourist Discount from Boots and it ended up costing only 466 Bath)
Available from: Boots Thailand

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