Monday, April 11, 2016

How I Reward Myself for Running

This is how I reward myself at the end of a run. It can get to be really hot out there in the heatwave. I find that I look forward to running more when I reward myself. So, I reward myself with a luxurious shower gel at the end of my run. A nice cool shower is something that I look forward to at the end of my run. 

I've recently been refraining from signing up for runs as (1) they are pretty pricey, (2) the weather is unpredictable and there is no guarantee if the runs are really going to happen (quite a number of runs were cancelled last year due to the poor air quality as a result of the haze) and (3) I figured that  I would be better off spending the money that I would have spent on the run registration on a reward of my choice.

At the moment, I'm using the Soap & Glory Sugar Crush Shower Gel. I only have to use two pumps of the product for my shower, no kidding. It may be a tad pricey where I live. but I figured that it is a worthy reward for my hard work! I love the sweet limey scent. 

I'm currently window shopping for my next workout reward which I'll purchase when this one finishes. I simply love browsing for my next reward. Half of the fun is the browsing, if you ask me! It makes running fun and something I look forward to, even in the super hot weather that we're getting here!

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