Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My Wild Catrice Photo Finish 18 Hour Liquid Foundation Chase!

After weeks of looking at and visiting the Catrice foundations in Guardian, and reading as well as watching reviews on their two foundations online, I finally decided to give it a go. So last Saturday, I went to Mid Valley Mega Mall with one thing in mind --- to purchase the Catrice Photo Finish 18 Hour Liquid Foundation from Guardian's.

Once there, I decided look around the mall and to purchase the foundation only on my way out of the mall as I didn't want to be loaded with stuff as I walked around the mall. As luck would have it, when I finally went up to the cashier after a long wait in the queue, I was asked by the sulky cashier if I had another card on me other than the Amex that I had given her because  apparently, she said that it takes a long time to get an approval code on Amex. Tired and turned off by her less than polite tone and non-customer oriented attitude, I asked for my card back, told her to cancel the purchase and walked out. Yes, it was something that I would have liked to have but not something that I had to have as I still have about another half bottle worth of my Bourjois 123 Perfect Foundation left (even though I wear it to work everyday!).

The following day, on Sunday, I was in KLCC and once again, I visited the Catrice stand there but decided not to purchase the foundation then as there was a long queue at the check out counters. Then Monday rolled around and lo and behold, what did I see on my FB feed --- Guardian announced that some selected makeup brands were going for 30% less and one of the brands was Catrice!!! WooHoo!!!

So yeah, I made my way to the Guardian in IPC after work and finally purchased a bottle of the Catrice Photo Finish 18 Hour Liquid Foundation. I guess, I was lucky that I didn't purchase the foundation just two days earlier as it on only a 10% discount then instead of the 30% discount when I purchased it yesterday. Mmmm.... can't wait to try it out!

Oh, btw, all the Catrice products were going at a 30% discount and I was going gaga just looking at the prices. I had to keep reminding myself that I still had A LOT of fairly recently purchased makeup to use up before I can reward myself with more.

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