Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Of Immaturity and the 60-something-year-old

Something happened at work today to reinforce what I already know to be true --- age is certainly no indicator of maturity.

Case in point: A 60-something part-time staff came into work with lunch for everyone in the office  except for the head of the department (and yours truly). For your information, there are only seven of us in my department.

When I came back from lunch (I normally take my lunch early ahead of the lunch crowd), they were all in the office eating at their desks. The head of department was there too and she was looking over their shoulders and making remarks about being left out of the lunch fest as they were busy stuffing their faces. She was whining and they all just ignored her.

I found it all very strange behavior on the part of all the parties involved. I mean, why openly exclude anyone? What good is it going to do anyone? Why not be diplomatic and get food for everyone? Wouldn't that give you the fuzzy feel good feeling? Wouldn't that feel good vibe result in not only a happier you but also a healthier you? I think it was immature to exclude anyone from a food fest. Openly excluding anyone is not about them but about you. It just seems like some people have never played in the sandbox as children.

On my part, I wasn't really upset about not having had been included in the lunch fest but I did find the whole thing extremely strange though... By not buying lunch for me (it was nasi lemak, by the way), she saved me the calories. No complains there! Like everything else, I choose to focus on the positive. I can't change the people around me but I can change my perception of the situation that I'm in.  

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