Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Makeup Trick I Learned and It WORKS!!! :)

My super oil slick skin drives me up the wall sometimes. I've recently been experiencing my makeup transferring onto my handouts when I happen to touch my face and then the handouts (not cool!). I initially thought that perhaps I should be on the lookout for a more matte foundation but I recently came across this video tip on youtube from one of my fav makeup artists and I am eternally thankful for it.

If you're like me, all you need to do it to apply loose powder all over your face BEFORE you apply your foundation. That's it! It's that simple! And best of all, it WORKS!!! My makeup lasts a lot longer now. Now, this is not a miracle solution as if you've got oily skin, your skin will be what it is --- oily! BUT this tip will make your makeup last a lot longer than normal. This tip has helped me save $$$ as I no longer feel the need to run out and get myself another bottle of foundation and I can now look forward to finishing my current bottle of foundation. Hope this helps! :)

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