Monday, April 21, 2014

Weight Issues

About six and a half months ago, I was getting a tab tubby at 123 lbs (56 kgs). Then, I started running, not only to lose weight but also to be healthy. I thought that it would be nice to lose 10 lbs. Frankly, I didn't think that I could lose the weight as it had proven to be almost impossible to shed even a pound previously, let alone 5 or 10!

I started running while making healthier food choices. Amazingly the weight started to drop bit by bit. I started losing the weight and some of my clothes were getting loose and felt no longer comfortable to wear.

About three weeks ago, my weight dropped to 108 lbs (49 kgs) which is waaayyy too light. So, I've since been trying to regain some of the weight that I lost. Worried that I would lose more weight if I kept on running 5 to 6 days in a week and have since cut back my running to every other day and concentrated more on eating more (but at the same time also making sure that whatever I eat is a healthy choice).

I'm happy to say that I've since put on some of the weight that I lost and I'm currently weigh 112 lbs (51 kgs) but let me tell you, it is HARD work to keep my weight there as I have to make sure that I take in more calories than I spend working out!

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