Saturday, April 12, 2014

Normal Readings

I happened to be in Mid Valley earlier today and while I was there, I saw a sign that the Star's Health Fair was going on in the exhibition centre. So up I went to the exhibition centre scrapping my any prior plans I had of having breakfast as I didn't want to scew the results in case there were any freebie blood tests.

I love taking advantage of such events for freebie checks and while I was there, I got my weight, height, blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood glucose checked. The reading for my height wasn't so accurate as the girl taking my height measurement reading was a lot shorter than me! I was kinda nervous about having my blood pressure levels checked as there have been occasions when my numbers came out being within the pre-hypertension range. Thankfully, this time around, it was within the normal range :)

I have come to a stage in life where seeing normal health numbers makes me grateful. Alhamdullillah :)

Health is something that should never be taken for granted.

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