Sunday, April 20, 2014

I'm Free From Corruption Run 2014

I woke up super early this morning to have breakfast so that the food would be digested by the time I started my run at 7:30 am. Yes, I ran with the masses in the I'm Free From Corruption Run today. And in case you're wondering, no, I didn't participate in the run because I really believe that the run was going to change the state of affairs in the country. Well.... when you think about it, it is a public acknowledgement that corruption exists in the country, which to me, is a start. The first step to overcoming any problem (of any scale) is admitting that a problem exists.

My motivation to participate in the run this morning was purely personal --- to get myself better acquainted with mass run events since I seem to enjoy running now :) The distance of the run (3 km) fit nicely into my strategy of getting myself acclimatized to mass run events. This being the second time that I've participated in a run event, I just wanted to experience the route and the terrain. Besides, this run was free and located in Padang Merbok, KL (and it was my first time there despite having passed by it a zillion times before).

To be quite honest, I found the emcees for the event annoying and I didn't really care for the aerobics workout that they had before the start of the run as I found the instructor's voice screaming over the speakers highly annoying.

The run was scheduled to begin at 7:30 am but started at 8:10 am instead as the PM only made an appearance at 7:40 am (hmmm.... perhaps this is in keeping with the well known Malaysian sense of "punctuality"?) and once there, he had to participate in some of the aerobics routines before the lighting of the symbolic torch and then firing the starter pistol.

The roads were closed for the run and manned by the traffic police which was nice as it made it possible for the runners to safely run on the road. High Five buns and Spritzer mineral water were provided after the run. There was also free coffee being given out but I'm not a coffee drinker.

After the run, I ran once around the KLCC park since I felt that I still had energy to burn and after that it was off to Suria KLCC for breakfast (again but hey, I earned it and besides, did I mention that this new interest in running is making me lose more weight than I initially planned to? I'm currently underweight and need to work on gaining weight!!!)  :)

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