Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm a Kiva Lender :)

I recently joined Kiva. I figured that I could and should help someone in need. In case you're wondering what Kiva is, it's a non-profit organization that makes it possible for you to make a small loan to people in need.

When the loan gets paid back, the money becomes available in your account again and you're able to lend it out to someone else and repeat the process all over again or you may choose to withdraw the money and use it for something else. For as little as US$25, Kiva makes it possible for you to lend some money to people who are in other parts of the world in order to help them out with their businesses. I like the idea that you can choose who you lend your money to as they have profiles of the borrowers on the website.

You can learn more about Kiva here.

I don't have much but there are lots of other people in the world who have even less than me. It feels good to be able to share a little bit and to be able to offer some help to someone in this world!

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