Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Big Bad Wolf is Back in Town!

The sale that I've been waiting for all year long is finally here.

...and this is only a third of the hall!

I was at the Big Bad Wolf Sale earlier today (or should I say yesterday, considering that this post is being published at 12:20 am, Tuesday morning). It was HUGE!!! Lots of books --- I was in heaven!!!  :)

Needless to say, I bought loads of books!

I didn't have trouble getting there. In fact, I didn't even have a map with me. I figured that I knew where UPM was and that since MAEPS, the venue of the sale, was somewhere near UPM, I would eventually see signs for it. And so, I headed for UPM, followed the signs showing the directions towards MAEPS and found my way there.

While the hall was really spacious with lots of personal space between customers (so we didn't have to rub shoulders and god forbid, whatever else!), getting to the hall from the car park might be a challenge for some people as it is a fair bit of distance to walk and at some points, it is an uphill climb.

I just treated the walk up and back down to the car park as exercise. In fact, I walked up and down from the hall TWICE as I had TWO shopping sessions --- Shopping Session 1, walked down to the car park to put my purchases away, walked back up, had lunch and after lunch, Shopping Session 2!).

I understand if you're not as crazy as I am and if the very thought of having to walk uphill in the heat turns you off or if you have young children or the elderly with you, I would strongly advise you to take the shuttles (yes, there are shuttles from the car park to the hall).

Pizza Hut on wheels! 

Food isn't an issue as there was a Pizza Hut food service truck just outside the hall. A personal pan pizza with ice lemon tea costs RM10. There was also another vendor selling drinks and hot dogs nearby. There is a fairly big canopied dining area (with fans) outside where you can have a quick bite or just have a drink while you rest your tired feet.

Books, books and more books! :)

Most of the books were going at RM8 each. Others were RM10, RM12, RM15 and RM20. If you're a bibliophile, this is a MUST go event. The sale ends this Sunday, October, 16, 2011.

As always, one visit is NEVER enough! Hmmm... maybe I should go visit the wolf just to see how he's doing soon... ;)

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