Tuesday, June 09, 2009


why do people tell untruths? do they not realize that the truth will eventually surface over time? i'd rather not divulge any personal information about myself rather than tell untruths that the others around me would later discover.

things are beginning to make sense now. this american woman at work said that "No man wants to get married." the strange part about it was that she also told me that she had a husband. so was i not to infer from that that at least one man married her?

today, i was told by a third party that she is not married and that the "husband" that she was referring to is really a "husband-to-be". ahhh....now things are beginning to make sense...

i was also told that she only met the man in malaysia which means that she has known her "husband-to-be" less than three months since she only arrived in malaysia in late april this year.

word gets around. people around you are listening to everything you say and do and they start to wonder if you are sending out mixed messages. it would have been better had she not mentioned anything specific about her relationship with that man (not that anyone was interested in her affairs). see how telling untruths is really a waste of time???

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