Tuesday, June 16, 2009

educating malaysians

i was in the jusco supermarket last weekend to pick up a few things when i witnessed a scene at the checkout. there was this chinese woman in the next line who told the cashier off for packing all her stuff into one bag. she accused jusco of being "stingy" with their plastic bags and insisted on being given more plastic bags.

one tends to wonder where this woman has been --- in today's day and age, when people are more aware of environmental issues and are trying to do whatever they can to recycle and reuse stuff, there are still those (like this woman) who insist on getting "her money's worth" (whatever that means as she'd probably be throwing those plastic bags out the second she gets home, anyway).

me? i try to do my bit to help mother nature --- i bring my own shopping bag when i go do my shopping. do you?

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