Sunday, June 28, 2009

canvas bag

a strange thing happened while i was in ikea yesterday.

there i was, looking through four huge boxes of toilet brushes (i was looking for a baby blue one --- there were lots of dark blue and green ones) and was going around it digging for a baby blue one (it has to be baby blue...).

a few people joined me in my search when i realized that a woman was kind of following me around. i was muttering to myself, "i need a baby blue one..." when i turned around and was face to face with this woman.

she then asked me where in ikea i got my shopping bag... yup, the woman had fallen in love with my canvas spanking new shopping bag and thought that i got it in ikea.

i was quite surprised by the question. okay, so it was a happening bag but would you go up to a stranger and ask them where they got it??? i told her that i had purchased it elsewhere, she apologized and went away.

it was a strange incident though. hmmm... should i have offered to sell it to her and make some money on the spot???

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