Tuesday, December 04, 2007


It's been a loongg time since I was last here. I always mean well, you know... always mean to write posts often but work always seem to get in the way :(

Anyway, updates. Been working late for the past weeks --- it's the end of the semester and I have to finalize the students' grades (AND decide their academic fates in what seems like endlessly long and boring meetings -- did I mention that I dislike going to meetings???), need to organize the students' work for the external moderators from Australia and then need to sit in yet ANOTHER long and boring meeting to finalize the moderated grades. Ah, so much for "quality control".

Yesterday afternoon, J, my boss announced that she had tendered in her resignation.Yup, tendered in her resignation after six months. I was hoping that she would last at least a year but I guess, she's doing the right thing --- she doesn't belong in this place and it's really no use wasting any more time here.

I have to give it to her though --- I have seen many bosses (and believe me when I say MANY) and out of all of them, I deem her to be the most professional one and the one that I can relate to the most. She makes decisions and knows her stuff --- that's what I like about her. On top of that, she acknowledges the problems that we have in the office. I suppose, that is the other reason why she is leaving --- we have a team mixed team of people who have different agendas. Unfortunately, very few are willing to slog it out and get things happening.

So...where does that leave us now? Oh, there is this other "boss" but we have no confidence in him. He seems to not know ANYTHING and half of the time, seems to not want to know anything. Yup, I'm stuck with clueless as boss. Sigh...one more year to my masters and then I'm a FREE woman!!! .