Friday, December 07, 2007

playing God

Been spending the last three days with the moderator. It's a new guy moderating my modules this time around. He's not new as a moderator but he is new at moderating my modules and God, is he a tough one! A third of the grades have been adjusted. Okay, I do admit that my teachers have been kinda lenient when marking but can you believe it that NO ONE and absolutely NO ONE made an A? Yup, like I said before, this one's a tough one.

I have my reservations about him though. These modules are communication modules and he is not of language training. I wonder how fair it is on the students to have someone like him (whose background is architecture) to moderated communication modules. The moderator who usually moderates these modules of mine is not down here this time around. He too is of architectural background, but he is not as tough. I believe that he has a better understanding of the modules than this new guy.

The new guy is a second language speaker himself. I always find that second language speakers are harder than native speakers --- they are more critical of their own kind. It is almost as if they have something to prove (whatever that may be).

Sigh... it's so sad to think that even my best of the "bestest" (if ever there is such a word!) students has been pushed down from an A to a B+ :( :( :(