Saturday, December 15, 2007

Oh no, MNG is on sale!!!

I dropped by the shopping mall on Thursday after work thinking that I was going to do some grocery shopping and discovered that MNG was on sale --- oh no! So, in I went, browsing for stuff that I really didn't need.

The store was busy when I got there but it wasn't jammed packed with people. The que for the fitting rooms was snaked around the store and so was the que to pay. It was a relatively small store and with that many people in it, it was soon very hot (the halogen downlights didn't help either).

I picked up a few items, joined the horrendously long que for the fitting rooms, found that nothing really fitted me, gave them back to the girl manning the fitting rooms, went back out and picked up some more stuff which didn't fit me either, picked up some bags which I thought were nice but as the store got warmer and warmer, I kinda started feeling faint (must have been all the heat generated by all those people and the lights in the store) and I started asking myself if I really wanted that bag badly enough to want to stand in the VERY long que that was snaking around the store to pay for it.

In the end, I took one look at the bag and thought --- "I just bought a bag that I REALLY wanted last week and this one, while it would be nice to have, would not really be something that I have to have" and with that thought, I put it back where I found it where it was quickly snapped up by someone else.

I am happy to say that after an hour and a half in the store, I emerged from the sale with NOTHING!!! :)