Tuesday, June 14, 2016

D.I.Y. Skin Tag Removal --- An Experiment

I've had this skin tag that has been hanging on for dear life somewhere on my left underarm for a quite a number of years now and although I have been curious in the past about removing it myself, I was also quite worried if something else happened (i.e. it getting infected and such). 

For the record, I have tried the Tea Tree Oil method a few years ago and NOTHING happened.

A few nights ago though, I tried tying the skin tag with a piece of dental floss and tightened the dental floss as much as I could. I have to admit that it stung a little bit. I left the ends of the dental floss long and loose so that I could easily tighten the knot as and when needed. 

On the second day, the skin tag turned dark and it looked kind of shrilvelled and dried out.  

This morning, as I was doing my chores at home, I felt a sting in the area of the skin tag and later, when I looked at my underarm, it was GONE and it didn't even bleed! OMG, this really works! :O

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