Saturday, February 28, 2015

Silky Girl Moisture Boost Lipcolor Balm Review

I'm always on the lookout for a good bargain. Guardian recently had a buy one get one free promotion and the Silky Girl Moisture Boost Lipcolor Balm was one of the items offered. I figured that it would be a good time to try out this product as I have been curious about this product but was not about to break the bank and pay the full price for it but since it was going at half price each, I thought, "Why not?".

So I purchased mine in Coral and Ruby. I've so far have only used the Coral one and I find that it doesn't feel as moisturising as my Essence lippie but it doesn't feel drying on the lips either. I was quite surprised to find that the colour lasts a lot longer than I expected since it is classified as a lip balm. I also like the bright  Coral color. By the way, the coral color is much brighter in life than in the photograph.

According to the Silky Girl website, this product doesn't contain fragrance, parabens, carmine and isn't tested on animals. So that ranks pretty high on my list.

I couldn't get any information on the amount of product that you get but by the looks of it, it seems to be less that your normal lipstick. That's kinda okay with me as I like to have the colour variety and one lip color lasts a mighty long time for me.


Product: Silky Girl Moisture Boost Lipcolor Balm
Retail Price: RM20.90 (I purchased mine during the Buy 1 Get 1 Free Promotion at Guardian Pharmacy)
Product Amount: 3.2g

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Key chain

Meet my new key chain. This guy was just too difficult for me to pass up on. I just had to purchase him. I use this specifically for my thumb drive as it would make it more visible especially when it's in my handbag that has got LOADS of stuff.

A Makeup Trick I Learned and It WORKS!!! :)

My super oil slick skin drives me up the wall sometimes. I've recently been experiencing my makeup transferring onto my handouts when I happen to touch my face and then the handouts (not cool!). I initially thought that perhaps I should be on the lookout for a more matte foundation but I recently came across this video tip on youtube from one of my fav makeup artists and I am eternally thankful for it.

If you're like me, all you need to do it to apply loose powder all over your face BEFORE you apply your foundation. That's it! It's that simple! And best of all, it WORKS!!! My makeup lasts a lot longer now. Now, this is not a miracle solution as if you've got oily skin, your skin will be what it is --- oily! BUT this tip will make your makeup last a lot longer than normal. This tip has helped me save $$$ as I no longer feel the need to run out and get myself another bottle of foundation and I can now look forward to finishing my current bottle of foundation. Hope this helps! :)

Essence Almost Famous Lipstick Review

Drugstore makeup have certainly come a loonnngggg way since I was a teenager. They used to be cheap and nasty. That, I'm pleasantly surprised to discover, is no longer the case now. Nowadays, it's pretty easy to get good quality makeup products at a budget from the drugstore.

I bought an Essence lipstick yesterday. Up until very recently, I had no idea that this brand even existed! I happened to stumble upon it on the Watsons online store website and upon research discovered that many bloggers and vloogers were raving over Essence products.

For the uninitiated, Essence is a German drugstore makeup brand. It's not available in all drugstores in Malaysia, only in selected Watsons outlets. I literally had to hunt it down to find it!

I was actually looking for 'All About Cupcake' lipstick since I'd read many positive reviews on it but discovered that the shade was more of a light pink (I swatched the tester). Then, I tried swatching 'Almost Famous' and discovered that although it's a red, it has a touch of pink to it. Although reds are not colors that I would naturally veer towards, I figured that I would give this one a go since it seemed pretty. It's been a looonngggg time since I used a bright lipstick colour and it took some getting used to but like I said, it's such a pretty colour.

As always, I only bought one lipstick to try out as I have never purchased any lipstick from Essence before and was curious to find out how I would get on with the formula. My first impression of the product is that the formula is really creamy and moisturising (something really important for me as my lips tend to dry out rather easily). The color is sheer but buildable. There are no shimmery flecks in it, something which is difficult to come by nowadays. It also has a yummy scent which I like.

Like most other moisturising lipsticks, it doesn't last long before requiring a touch up but this doesn't bother me as I'm used to it and in fact, expect it to not last long. Long lasting colors tend to be very drying on my lips.

I have only applied the lipstick from the tube thrice  so far and the lipstick bullet looks like it's moving around in the packaging and getting squished into the sides of the lipstick packaging just from the pressure applied when using the lipstick (hmmm...that explains why the testers were all swished up and messy). I'm worried that if I carry on applying this lipstick from the tube (as I do with other lipsticks) the lipstick is going to break. Yes, it is that soft of a formula! Looks like I'm going to have to use my lip brush for this lipstick to avoid from squishing it further. Apart from that though, I'm generally pleased with my purchase.

Product: Essence 44 'Almost Famous' Lipstick
Retail Price: RM11.90
Available at selected Watson's outlets

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Will you be my Valentine?

Wednesday, February 04, 2015


Today I'm grateful for:
1. the quiet lunch hour that I had
2. having been excluded from the lunch that was provided by the 60-something part-time staff and thus saving on calories :)
3. the gift of the cookies by a more civil colleague

I'm grateful for having more than enough. 

Of Immaturity and the 60-something-year-old

Something happened at work today to reinforce what I already know to be true --- age is certainly no indicator of maturity.

Case in point: A 60-something part-time staff came into work with lunch for everyone in the office  except for the head of the department (and yours truly). For your information, there are only seven of us in my department.

When I came back from lunch (I normally take my lunch early ahead of the lunch crowd), they were all in the office eating at their desks. The head of department was there too and she was looking over their shoulders and making remarks about being left out of the lunch fest as they were busy stuffing their faces. She was whining and they all just ignored her.

I found it all very strange behavior on the part of all the parties involved. I mean, why openly exclude anyone? What good is it going to do anyone? Why not be diplomatic and get food for everyone? Wouldn't that give you the fuzzy feel good feeling? Wouldn't that feel good vibe result in not only a happier you but also a healthier you? I think it was immature to exclude anyone from a food fest. Openly excluding anyone is not about them but about you. It just seems like some people have never played in the sandbox as children.

On my part, I wasn't really upset about not having had been included in the lunch fest but I did find the whole thing extremely strange though... By not buying lunch for me (it was nasi lemak, by the way), she saved me the calories. No complains there! Like everything else, I choose to focus on the positive. I can't change the people around me but I can change my perception of the situation that I'm in.