Sunday, October 12, 2014

Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon SCKLM 2014

My reward for completing another 10k race
The MSIG 10k Route Map

I must admit that 5 months ago when I signed up for the race, I wasn't so sure whether or not I could do it.

It took me like forever to decide to sign up for the 10k race instead of the 5k race. For the record, this was the first 10k race that I signed up for. What made it worse was that there was a cutoff time as well! But guess what --- all that training paid off! I'm a happy bunny :)

I took the LRT to the race venue. I didn't factor in the long wait for the connecting LRT from Mesjid Jamik station to the Bandaraya station. I arrived at the Bandaraya station with just 3 minutes to spare to run from the LRT Bandaraya station to the end of the starting pen. I also had to stop for a little while to pin on my bib. I only had time to pin the top two pins to my running vest. Yes, I was that strapped for time! Note to self, pin the bib while waiting for the LRT in the future. Thank goodness I got to the end of the starting pen just as they were beginning to move forward.

There were soooo many people in the 10k race which made it kinda difficult to pass them sometimes as some of them were pals and were walking 5 or 6 abreast. I don't know if they were even aware of common race courtesy of keeping out of other runners' way. It took me more than 5 minutes to get from the end of the starting pen to crossing the start line. Yes, there were THAT many people!

Quite a number of people had muscle cramps and stopped at the medical stations along the way for muscle cramp rub ointments. Perhaps this is due to the back to back race with the BSN Putrajaya Night Race which took place the night before? I guess, there were many runners who didn't want to miss out on two of the biggest runs in Malaysia.

Only the first hydration station along the 10k route served 100 Plus but all the other hydration stations had water. There were lots of portaloos along the way too.

I felt okay at the end of the race :) Hmmm... maybe I'm getting this running thing sussed out!

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