Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Patch for My Beloved Keds

Not one to throw things out unnecessarily, I found it hard to part with my beloved Keds when there was a slight tear in the big toe area of my right shoe. Purchased in Bangkok, this pair of Keds and I have been to many places together. This is my second pair of Keds in this design, yes, I loved it enough to buy a second pair.

 I can wear my fav Keds again!

There's a cute little blue elephant on my shoe!

I stopped wearing it when the tear was beginning to look visible but at the same time, I was reluctant to put into the donation box. I recently had this idea of concealing the tear with an iron on patch (don't know why it took me so long to think of this!) and guess what --- it works and I can now wear my beloved Keds again! I'm a happy bunny!

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