Sunday, May 11, 2014

Two-Toned Me

I'm a newbie runner. I started running in October last year in an effort to lower my blood pressure as I was worried that I had pre-hypertension though I was assured that my reading was "normal for my age" (whatever that means!). Anyway, I discovered that I actually enjoy running.

I started running on the threadmill and have been on the machine until only recently when I decided to take it outside. My first 5k run was not something that I planned to do. O'Briens Malaysia was giving away free registration to the run. That was how I got started and that was also where I discovered that I wasn't doing too badly as there were loads of people who finished after me :)

I recently signed up for a 10k run which will take place in October. At the point of signing up, I wasn't sure  if I could even do 10k! That was something like three weeks ago. I went from completing 7k, and then 9k, and yesterday, I completed 10k!

Call me crazy but I ran in the hot sun. That is how determined I am to show me that I can do it. Never mind the time, I just want to know that I can complete 10k.

I discovered Jeff Galloway's Magic Mile while I was trawling the net one night and I've since been experimenting with Jeff Galloway's run-walk-run method trying out various ratios, trying to find one that worked for me. I did a 20/40 today and much to my surprise, I completed 10k under 2 hours. Okay, I know that that is super s-l-o-w for you runners out there but it is a HUGE accomplishment for me and one that I am pretty proud about!

I am happy to just run-walk as it keeps my energy levels in check and I don't feel so tired.

There are tan line marks on my legs (yeah, like I said, I was out there in the hot sun!). Hmmm... I'm now two-toned... :D

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