Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Telekom Malaysia's Idea of Customer Service

Telekom Malaysia's (TM) idea of customer service is a reminder text message sent on a Sunday after which the service will be disconnected if TM does not receive the payment within 24 hours. They do this despite knowing that payments made via online banking and the post office takes more than 24 hours to get to them.

Now, why on earth nobody in TM has the common sense (which really isn't all that common nowadays) to send out the message at least a week in advance, so that its customers have ample time to sort out the bill payment, is beyond me. Have they missed the point that customer service is about servicing the customer??? 

Watermelons and Me

I've always loved watermelons. As a child, I was told that I could finish half a watermelon all by myself.

As an adult, I still love watermelons though I've got some watermelon "experiences" to share...like the time that I carefully selected a watermelon at Jusco Supermarket, qued up in a very long line to pay for it (it was a busy weekend), only to realise when I got home that I had left it at the cashier counter in the supermarket!

Once, I purchased a watermelon, took it home and put it on the floor for what I thought would be a minute as I took off my shoes but I soon became distracted and continued doing other things which, I'm afraid, didn't  include putting the watermelon in the fridge ASAP. When I finally remembered it, it was dead in the middle of the night when I was feeling peckish. The watermelon, by then, had sadly gone bad :(

And then, there was another time when I bought a watermelon, paid for it, took it home and put it in the fridge well meaning to eat it but forgot about it until one fine day, I was inspired to see what was in the fridge only to discover the science project that used to be a nice ripe and juicy watermelon!

So nowadays, when I am inspired to purchase a watermelon in the supermarket, I make sure that I consume it within a day of buying it (and before I forget that I ever purchased it in the very first place and before it morphs into a science project!).

Oh, by the way, you might want to know that I purchased a watermelon yesterday and made sure that I carried it home with me. I had it all last night  and it was simply divine! :)

Saturday, May 24, 2014

My Wish for You

Good luck for later today. Just know that I love you and wish that your marriage will bring you the happiness you deserve :)


My brother's getting married tomorrow and my mom has discouraged me from attending the ceremony on the bride's side. She doesn't want me there. She kept saying that it's really out in the sticks and I wouldn't like it, we'd have to share a home stay place with other people and there wouldn't be individual rooms (and I wouldn't like it)..... Note that she was the one telling me that I wouldn't like it. Actually, I was quite game for it but sensed that she didn't want me there.... but why???

Sensing her feelings about not wanting me to go, I didn't want to aggravate matters and told her that I'd changed my mind about going (no point going when your presence is not wanted; she's not going to make the trip a pleasant one for me if I did go on the trip). She heaved a noticeable sigh of relief when I said that I changed my mind and decided not to go.

Hmmm..... I must be a HUGE embarrassment to her.... I have absolutely NO idea why my own mother is doing this. In fact, I wish she would tell me what the problem really is but I doubt it if I'll ever know.

Yes, I've been to see my mom again today. Yes, I was abused yet again (what else is new, huh???).

My brother was there when all this happened. He did something which he has never done before as I was leaving --- he hugged me and told me that the last six months has been hell for him with mom too as mom didn't approve of his getting married.

It's painful, it hurts and I cried while driving home.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Not Perfect

Yes, I failed.... 25 years ago. Reminding me about it over and over again is not going to change things. Just because I seem tough doesn't mean that I don't have feelings too, you know. I'm sorry that I disappointed you. Now, can we get on with living in the present... please?

I wish for the day when you might perhaps be a tiny bit proud of me... I know, I know, wishful thinking but that doesn't stop me from hoping...

Friday, May 16, 2014

Aarrrggghhhhh!!!! Cotton On Sports Bras Color Runs!!!

I recently bought two sports bras from Cotton On. One was a Active Body KIR 'Keep It Real' camo with florescent pink trimming and the other was an all grey Active Body bra.

I wore the brand new Cotton On Active Body KIR bra under a white tee and after my run, I was appalled to discover that the fluorescent pink color from the bra's trimmings had run onto my white tee :( Rats!!! Hmmm.... Could that have possibly been a one-off issue???

I didn't notice any color runs on the other Cotton On Body Active all grey bra and have worn and washed it a few times and it seemed okay, so I was surprised to discover that it had left stains on my brand new pink racer back running tee last Sunday. Double Rats!!! :( :( :(

I went to Cotton On Australia's Facebook page and discovered that that predicament wasn't mine alone. Apparently, a few other people had similar issues with color running from various Cotton On garments (sports bras included) to other clothes as well. 

So, I guess, no more Cotton On sports bras for me from now on. This is when paying reasonable prices is really not worth it when the garments clearly have quality control issues.

What I like about Cotton On sports bras is that they are designed with hooks in the back very much like your everyday bra which makes wearing it easier as I never really liked the pull on type of sports bras as it can be quite a struggle getting them on and taking them off.

BUT, as I said earlier, I've got to stay away from Cotton On sports bras. Lesson learned :(

I've recently bought a pair of Cotton On capri workout pants which I bought prior to making last Sunday's color run discovery and am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it will not have any color run issues. I have yet to wear them because I have been working out in my shorts since it's hot out there. 

I have bought many items of  clothing prior to this and have never had an issue with color runs before. So could this be just their workout gear problem??? 

Take my advice if you're reading this because you're thinking of purchasing Cotton On sports bras --- stay away from them!!! It's just not worth the hassle of having to replace both your sports bra AND your workout top.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Two-Toned Me

I'm a newbie runner. I started running in October last year in an effort to lower my blood pressure as I was worried that I had pre-hypertension though I was assured that my reading was "normal for my age" (whatever that means!). Anyway, I discovered that I actually enjoy running.

I started running on the threadmill and have been on the machine until only recently when I decided to take it outside. My first 5k run was not something that I planned to do. O'Briens Malaysia was giving away free registration to the run. That was how I got started and that was also where I discovered that I wasn't doing too badly as there were loads of people who finished after me :)

I recently signed up for a 10k run which will take place in October. At the point of signing up, I wasn't sure  if I could even do 10k! That was something like three weeks ago. I went from completing 7k, and then 9k, and yesterday, I completed 10k!

Call me crazy but I ran in the hot sun. That is how determined I am to show me that I can do it. Never mind the time, I just want to know that I can complete 10k.

I discovered Jeff Galloway's Magic Mile while I was trawling the net one night and I've since been experimenting with Jeff Galloway's run-walk-run method trying out various ratios, trying to find one that worked for me. I did a 20/40 today and much to my surprise, I completed 10k under 2 hours. Okay, I know that that is super s-l-o-w for you runners out there but it is a HUGE accomplishment for me and one that I am pretty proud about!

I am happy to just run-walk as it keeps my energy levels in check and I don't feel so tired.

There are tan line marks on my legs (yeah, like I said, I was out there in the hot sun!). Hmmm... I'm now two-toned... :D