Tuesday, July 27, 2010

miss popularity

some people are really into being "the popular" one.

strangely though, today, a student asked me who i thought was the most popular teacher (like such things would  matter to me!!!).

he thought that it was the cube --- how true, as she is always out there making herself available to the students and always making small talk with them.

she claims that she comes in early to work (she only teaches in the afternoon but makes it a point to come into  work before lunch hour) so that she can "give the students educational advice" --- yeah, right!

she claims to be the know all of university admissions.

i think she is a sad case --- she tries so hard at getting the students to love her.

it is interesting to note that only the nerdy students are into the cube.  the street wise ones stay a mile away from her --- hmmm......wonder why...???/

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