Wednesday, July 21, 2010

in denial

i went into class today and started assigning students a partner so that they had someone to do their tasks with.  one student, abdullah, however, told me that he didn't want a partner and that he'd prefer to work alone.

abdullah, an 18-year-old saudi first year medical student in his country, is here on summer holidays.  he seems to think that he is better than the rest of the class.  he doesn't seem to get along very well with the rest of the students in his class.

the class were given analogies to work on today and abdullah was unable to solve most of what was in the handout (the material presented on the handout was designed for grade 4 students in american schools).  ah, an indication of an inability to think critically and to see relationships between things.

he told me one day that he ought to be in level 7, two levels higher than where he is currently and that the only reason why he was in level 5 is because that is the highest level offered by the centre this month.

when asked to write, he produces very minimal work. he often asks to be excused from class and leaves class early.

is he in denial that he can't produce?  is his ego getting in the way of his progress?

what makes a person so arrogant at such a young age?

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