Thursday, July 29, 2010


my sister's been sporting branded handbags (prada, marc jocobs, coach, just to name a few) of late and which she only uses a couple of times before she gives them away... strangely enough, she never gives them away to me...

in the meantime, yours truly is still thinking a million, if not a zillion times, about buying a RM 180 charles & keith handbag.  you have no idea just how many times i have visited the charles & keith store just to look at this one bag... sigh...

i keep telling myself that i need to justify this expenditure... do i  really need another handbag??? or is it all just a whim....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

omg!!! another pair of shoes!!!

yup, guilty!!!  i just couldn't help it!!!

i was passing by the vincci store in 1-utama today and was unable to resist a read pair of heels that was on 50% discount!

yes, it is my fourth pair of shoes within the same week, i know!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

miss popularity

some people are really into being "the popular" one.

strangely though, today, a student asked me who i thought was the most popular teacher (like such things would  matter to me!!!).

he thought that it was the cube --- how true, as she is always out there making herself available to the students and always making small talk with them.

she claims that she comes in early to work (she only teaches in the afternoon but makes it a point to come into  work before lunch hour) so that she can "give the students educational advice" --- yeah, right!

she claims to be the know all of university admissions.

i think she is a sad case --- she tries so hard at getting the students to love her.

it is interesting to note that only the nerdy students are into the cube.  the street wise ones stay a mile away from her --- hmmm......wonder why...???/

shoe sale!!!

did i happen to mention that the shoe sale is on at vincci and i bought three pairs of shoes last sunday???

in my defense though, all three pairs, i am happy to announce were on 50% discount!

i bought a pair in gold (which would look great worn with jeans) and two pairs in black (which i thought would be great for work).

it seems like such a splurge but i figured that i might as well buy all three pairs as i sometimes cannot get shoes in my size especially in sales.

Bitter Sweets by Roopa Farooki

i finished reading the last book and have just started reading this book last night.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella

this is what i'm reading at the moment.

i started the book three days ago and am now at the last few pages.

truth be told, this is the first of the shopaholic series that i have ever read.  i bought this book eons ago and have only picked it up to read now.

it's been under the piles of my other books to be read and i almost forgot that i even had it until that day that i was going through my books for something to read.

true to sophie kinsella's style of writing, it is a light humourous read.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

do you have a car?

i was in the basement carpark in mid valley pushing a trolley full of shopping heading for my car when a car pulled up beside me.

the driver (an iranian himbo) asked me, "excuse me, do you have a car?".

what a stupid question to ask --- did i look like i usually spent my days pushing a trolley in basement carparks just for the kick of it???

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

look what i found!

i visited the bookcrossing zone in 1-utama today and guess what i found on the shelf --- lovely bones!!!  a book that's on my reading wish list!!!

it pays to visit the bookcrossing zone!!  :)

in denial

i went into class today and started assigning students a partner so that they had someone to do their tasks with.  one student, abdullah, however, told me that he didn't want a partner and that he'd prefer to work alone.

abdullah, an 18-year-old saudi first year medical student in his country, is here on summer holidays.  he seems to think that he is better than the rest of the class.  he doesn't seem to get along very well with the rest of the students in his class.

the class were given analogies to work on today and abdullah was unable to solve most of what was in the handout (the material presented on the handout was designed for grade 4 students in american schools).  ah, an indication of an inability to think critically and to see relationships between things.

he told me one day that he ought to be in level 7, two levels higher than where he is currently and that the only reason why he was in level 5 is because that is the highest level offered by the centre this month.

when asked to write, he produces very minimal work. he often asks to be excused from class and leaves class early.

is he in denial that he can't produce?  is his ego getting in the way of his progress?

what makes a person so arrogant at such a young age?

a day without the arab brats

how wonderful it would be if i could just spend my days reading books and not have to worry about having to educate arrogant and pig headed arab brats.

okay, okay...there are a handful who are absolutely great students but they are too few and far between.

i get friday off --- yay!!! the kids are off on a field trip and i'm certainly not complaining.

the thought of having a long weekend without having to deal with their demands certainly feels super blissful!

hmm... think of all the things that i could do... gotta plan, gotta plan!!!   :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Air Head

Some people are just full of BS. They are full of talk but when it comes to getting down to getting the job done, they suck.

Professionalism? Doubt if they have even heard of the word. I hear her often saying "I've done this, I'm doing that, I'm earning XXXXX for just three days' work, I don't need this job, blah, blah, blah...".

Then I discover, her grammar sucks. Sheesh!!! Some people really have the cheek to make claims when they do such a shitty job.

Monday, July 12, 2010

what i've been reading

i haven't been updating the list of books that i've been reading lately so here they are...:

the mike gayle book inspires me to start a to do list of my own but am i going to create one that is possibly as long as his 1277 item to do list? i think that would be quite unlikely.  i'll keep mine short and sweet.

The Girl in High Heels gives an interesting insight as to what happens in a high class strip club in London.