Saturday, July 04, 2009

The Orange Girl by Josten Gaarder

this is my current read and in case you're wondering, no, it is not a bookcrossing find --- i purchased this :)

i've been walking around with this book in my handbag for the past two days (something i normally do so that i'd have something to read should i need to wait) and it seemed that i kept triggering off the alarm system while going into shops (i triggered the alarm in watsons, guardian and popular bookstore).

it wasn't until i triggered the alarm yet again going into popular bookstore today that it occured to me that i should study the contents of my bag. i thought that it was one of the stuff that i had bought some days earlier which i had conveniently chucked into my handbag (as an alternative to accepting plastic bags).

i opened my handbag and studied the contents only to realize that this book of mine still had an alarm tag in it and that was what that was triggering off the alarm systems in many stores... i was kinda nervous, i didn't want them to think that i was shoplifting (how do you explain having a book in your handbag that still has the alarm tag on it while you're going out of a bookstore??? would they believe you if you told them the truth --- that you normally carry a book in your handbag and because you're meticulous about the condition of your books, they look new and unread and that it so happens that this book has an alarm tag that has not been deactivated???).

anyway, i removed the alarm tag and left the store without any alarms going off --- thank God!!!

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