Sunday, February 26, 2017

Daiso Marking Pens

Daiso Marking Pens

I found these highlighter pens while browsing in Daiso. 

I was basically on the lookout for a grey highlighter pen for my Bujo when I came across these. They come in a pack of 5 and at a glance, look a lot like the Zebra Mildliners (take note though that the Zebra Mildliners are double tipped marker pens while these have only one tip). The Zebra Mildliners also cost a lot more with one highlighter pen costing as much as this pack of 5 highlighter pens! I love these pens.

Marking Pens (Set of 5)
Made in Korea
Normal Retail Price:  RM5.30 
Available from: Daiso

Review: Essence Lip Liners

Essence Lip Liners in 07 Cutie Pink, 08 Red Blush & 15 Honey Berry

These are not new on the market. I've read many reviews about the Essence Lip Liners and only recently got around to purchasing some. I started out purchasing three shades and went back to purchase two other colours --- yes, that is how much I like them!

Essence Lip Liners in 11 In the Nude & 14 Femme Fatale

These are the new formulas and they are harder than the old formulas (I know this as some of the testers at the stores are the old formula. FYI the old formula has a grey coloured cap unlike the new formula that has a similar coloured cap).

I colour my lips with these lip liners and apply my Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Gloss Stick 3D Volume Lip Shine over it. They go well together. 

Essence Lip Liners
Made in Germany
Normal Retail Price:  RM5.90 (Yes, it is that cheap!)
Available from: Selected Guardian and Watsons 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Lazy Sunday

This is how Sundays should be spent --- with a book, iced tea and a snoozing furry pal nearby.