Saturday, December 06, 2014

Books Warehouse Sales

I have been restraining myself from going to books warehouse sales and further adding to my already seriously cluttered humble abode. I survived giving the recent Popular Warehouse sale (where all the English books were going at RM5) a pass and I wonder if I'll be able to do the same to the Big Bad Wolf Warehouse sale which is happening now.

I love books. I love reading. I have books everywhere in my personal space. But recently, I went through my piles of accumulated books from past BBW warehouse sales to give myself a reality check. I still have many more books that I have yet to read.

If I were really honest with myself, I have bought more books than I can possibly read in a year in the past Big Bad Wolf Warehouse sales (I have been a loyal goer to the BBW warehouse sale eversince the very first one many years ago in PJ). On top of that, I still have many more BookCrossing books that I have yet to read. Hmmm.... maybe I should sit out the BBW sale this year and make it a more zen year for me.

It has got to a point that in the frenzy of the warehouse sales and also to fatigue of being there for hours on end, I have ended up buying duplicates of the same book!!! Yes, this has all got to stop.

So far, for the record, I have read 46 books this year. I've still got many more lying around my humble abode to keep me entertained.

I have to be content with what I have and to enjoy the books that I have (why else did I buy them if I didn't plan to read them? And when else to read them if I don't make the time to read them some time soon?). Besides, I should be decluttering my life instead of adding more clutter to it. Notice that I'm trying to reason with myself!

I am grateful for having more than enough.

I shall not be greedy, I shall not be greedy, I shall not be greedy..... :D

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