Thursday, February 10, 2011

i'm in Dubai now.  i was shopping in Carrefour in the Mall of the Emirates two days ago when i got shortchanged 100 AED.  my purchases came up to 82 AED, i gave the cashier (a Filipino girl) 200 AED and she gave me only 18 AED change. Now, because this is Dubai and i am not familiar with the currency here, i quickly took the change she handed me, put it in my handbag and packed up my purchases. it was only after i left the counter that i felt that something was amiss, took out the change from my bag and realised that i was 100 AED short. now thinking that maybe i was mistaken (my bag is like a big black hole sometimes), and not wanting to make an unnecessary scene, i went to the ladies room, got into a cubicle and emptied out the contents of my bag (thank God the loo cubicles here are big and clean). i was 100 AED short, that was for sure (i checked my bag twice to be sure).

i went down to Carrefour again, and asked the cashier. She had to call her line supervisor, they closed her line and instantly did a cash point check.       

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