Monday, June 21, 2010

a lot of what you say says a lot about how you want to be perceived

an adult iranian student proudly informed me that she is unable to ear rice with her hand.  while this fact saddened me, she viewed this as a good thing.  it was her way of  telling me that she was from a well-off family.

unfortunately, i don't share that view.  i think you're culturally poor if you're no longer able to do the things that others in your culture are able to do.

there is nothing to be proud of if you no longer are able to eat using your hand, sit on the floor comfortably, and do other things that is performed with ease by others in your culture.

while i would like to believe that i am westernized, i would like to believe that i am being open to accepting different ideas and ways of doing things while remaining true to who i really am.  i am proud of my culture.  it is who i am.

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