Sunday, May 30, 2010

what gives???

Somebody at work was telling me that she was going to get married by the end of the year --- that's her deadline.

Well, that sounded pretty normal only that there's a small problem here --- she's not seeing anybody at the moment!!! Yes, it is a pretty strange situation.

On top of that, she says that this man she will marry (note that he is, at this very moment, still very much a concept) has to be no less than 6' 4" in height.

So, here's the next question --- how tall do you think this woman is? If you think that she's tall, you've guessed wrong --- she's vertically challenged!!!

So, the question is this --- is she being idealistic and dreamy and keeping away the real man who may be the love of her life (but who may not be a 6'-4" Greek god) or is it right for her to demand for this person and not to entertain anyone else who falls short (literally) of her wish???

Could this possibly be her escape from reality? From having to explain to the world out there why she's without a man (not that the world is interested in her private matters, really).

Personally, I think that some of us set unrealistic yardsticks for the people we would allow into our lives. Greek gods come with problems of their own. They are high maintenance not unlike beautiful women really.

Personally, I prefer the ordinary Joe but hey, that's me. Okay, so he may not be drop dead gorgeous but he's the sweetheart who would try to make me happy and really, that is what it really all about, isn't it?

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