Wednesday, March 17, 2010

loving your job (even though you hate it!)

I came across this article entitled Keeping a Job You Hate which I thought made a lot of sense. It gives good old fashion advice:

Don’t quit a job until you’ve nailed down a new one.

A few self reminders:

Three things I like about the job:

1. Location, location, location
It's near my home.
It's near my favorite shopping mall.
It's in the middle of somewhere instead of being in the middle of nowhere (as was the case with my last job location).
It's convenient for me to swing by the shopping mall after work for my groceries or window shop after work.
I get to check out the warehouse sales that I love since my office is in civilization now.
I get to have Subway for lunch.

2. Work Hours
Okay, so I do put in long hours but I really don't have to be there and when I do put in long hours, it's because I want to and not because I have to --- now, that makes a lot of difference. Technically, I only need to work from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm.

3. Parking
I get to park in the basement where my car is nice a cool after a long day at work.

4. Numbers
The student numbers are small.

5. Workload
I have less student work to mark due to the low student numbers. When I do give my students homework, half of the students don't do it, thus making my workload even less!!!  :)

6. Restrooms
The restrooms in the building where I work are clean and there is a constant supply of toilet paper in the cubicles most of the time.

7. Blessed
Everyday, I wake up with a prayer --- that Allah blesses my day. I am blessed to be alive. I am blessed to have a job and a source of income. I thank Allah for giving me a source of income.

Hey, that's more than 3 things!!!

Starting my day right
Lately, I've been going to work early (at least 2 and a half hours earlier!) which enables me to put in some hours to plan my lessons over a leisurely breakfast while watching the world around me. I also get free tea refills while I take my own sweet time to read the newspaper over breakfast. Doing my work over breakfast allows me to concentrate on my work without the stress of the office environment and without the interruptions from my colleagues.

When I do make the effort to go home early, I get to get a few hours of snooze time! (I really should get back to my speed walking routine though...).

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