Sunday, December 06, 2009

small things, great day :)

small things, big impact. 

i was in the lift today going down.  it was a packed as  more and more people kept getting on it as we were heading down towards the ground floor.

when i got to the ground floor, i stepped out.   i meant to pick up a copy of the Sun as i normally do each morning on my way out to my car. my hands were full and i patiently stepped to the side as i waited for the others to pick up their copy on their way out of the building.

a man who was on the same lift as me saw that i was waiting and motioned asking me if i wanted a copy of the newspaper.  i smiled and nodded yes. he picked up two and handed one to me.  all this happened without any exchange of words.  i thanked him.  that was enought to put a smile on my face :)  what a great way to start a day! and yes, in case you haven't noticed, it is easy to make my day :)

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