Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cotton On

I just discovered Cotton On in 1-Utama (okay, I'm probably the last person on the planet to discover this!).  I saw loads of people in the store (there was a sale on).

I'd never heard of the brand before and went into the store to see what was going on.  I LOVED it!!!  People were going crazy and the clothes were everywhere...the last time I saw anything that resembled this was when I was in Primark in London.

The prices were affordable and there were loads of stuff that I liked (and bought!). In fact, I loved it sooo much that I went back there the next day (when the displays were more organized).

Thursday, December 24, 2009

my current read

and this is what i'm reading now.  i started reading it a few days ago.  it's a series of essays.  it's almost like reading a journal filled with snippets of thoughts.  some of the essays are pretty humourous.

If You Could See Me Now by Cecilia Ahern

i finished reading this book over the last weekend.  think about falling in love with someone that nobody else can see --- your imaginary friend!!!  okay, so we all know that imaginary friends don't exist but hey, it's an idea and makes a nice story to curl up in bed and read.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


yesterday was ayah and mak's 50th anniversary. 

a birthday wish

you may not be with me, but not a day passes by when i don't think of you.  you never stopped believing in me.  i miss our chats.  i wish you were here.  there are no words to describe just how much i miss you. 

happy birthday ayah.  i love you.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

31 Dream Street by Lisa Jewell

started reading this a few days ago and am just about to finish reading it today  :)  time to think about my next read!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

small things, great day :)

small things, big impact. 

i was in the lift today going down.  it was a packed as  more and more people kept getting on it as we were heading down towards the ground floor.

when i got to the ground floor, i stepped out.   i meant to pick up a copy of the Sun as i normally do each morning on my way out to my car. my hands were full and i patiently stepped to the side as i waited for the others to pick up their copy on their way out of the building.

a man who was on the same lift as me saw that i was waiting and motioned asking me if i wanted a copy of the newspaper.  i smiled and nodded yes. he picked up two and handed one to me.  all this happened without any exchange of words.  i thanked him.  that was enought to put a smile on my face :)  what a great way to start a day! and yes, in case you haven't noticed, it is easy to make my day :)

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Does My Head Look Big In This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah

this is my current read. picked this one up at the recent big bad wolf warehouse sale.

it's about a sixteen year old australian-palestinian-muslim girl's experience with starting to wear the hijab and at the same time, still being a teenager.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

my current read

this book which i finished reading a few days ago does a good job at reminding me to be thankful for the things that do go right in my life. 

when i really think about it, there are waayyyy more things that go right in my life than those that go wrong.  we tend to focus on what is going wrong so much most times that we lose focus on the things that do go right and have been going right in our lives.

this book reminds me to be thankful to Allah for all that is happening to me... there is a bigger plan for us all though we may not know it at the time that it is happening to us.