Friday, January 02, 2009


yup, another year has come and gone and we are now blessed with yet another year. strangely enough, i haven't got any new year's resolutions... not that i've ever been big about them. still, here we are... and for this year, i REALLY REALLY REALLY hope to complete my thesis... InsyaAllah. other than that, i guess, i wish for the same things that others around the planet wish for --- peace on the planet, a safer place, a reduction in global warming, respect for nature and the planet... love in all forms possible.

was driving home from KLCC today when there seemed to be a traffic jam at the bangsar turn. i thought to myself... funny that there should be a traffic jam here on a public holiday... then i realized that the traffic jam was because of an accident that had taken place on the other side of the road. there was a woman underneath a car... she was conscious and in great pain. i can only assume that the car had clipped her motobike... dear Allah, please save her... please let them be able to fix her...

i wish for safer malaysian drivers... is that too much to ask for???

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