Friday, February 08, 2008

sans body hair!!!

A female colleague recently asked me if I made a conscious effort to remove the hair on my arms or if I am naturally hairless. I automatically looked at my arms and replied that I didn’t do anything to remove the hair on my arms. She gave me a knowing smile and said to me that “Men like women who are hairy; they are better in bed” --- this of course, goes without saying, came from a woman who had loads of them (no, no, not men but hair on her body!!). Yup, she has hair on her arms and legs and God know where else (you get the picture).

Okay, I know that what she said to me was a put down, but I guess the hairy backs have got to belief that they too are desirable and sexy and really, who am I to argue about that? Hey, maybe they want to put the depilatory cream companies out of business! Me? Well, I’m happy with the my twin blade guard shaving blades which I use in the shower. I am happy to note that the kind of men whom I attract also like me with a lot less bodily hair. Well, if you ask me, the bodily hair should be on him, not me, but hey, that's merely a matter of personal preference, I guess!

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