Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the lazy bugger and his laughing buddha

Do you believe in the power behind figurines? See, I for one, have never really bought into such things but lately, I have been noticing strange things in the office. Meet the main character of this story, Will. Will has been escaping from doing quite a bit of work at the office. He literally gets away with murder. There was one point when the whole office had to get involved in the redesign of the courses for his department but he was spared from it all. His alibi was that he was "busy" but truth was, the then boss had put him in cold storage and was thinking of replacing him (he was so dim as to not even notice this).

Anyway, Will seems to get away with saying that he has a lot to do, that he cannot manage to get things done on his own that his bosses assigned others to help him out with his administration work. Mind you, while others are helping him out with his job load, he gets to draw in the allowance for the position and the people who help him get nothing. This is what I have noticed: he seems to now be loading the bulk of the work onto his helpers while he does nothing. I don't get this. How does a lazy bugger such as Will get away with such things? In addition, he has the lightest teaching load amongst all the staff while the people helping him out have been assigned full teaching loads.

I happened to mention to one of the people at work how things just seem to he working out for him despite the fact that he is being useless --- Could it be possible that this has something to do with the gold laughing buddha which he has strategically placed on top out his computer monitor? My colleagues hadn't noticed this before I mentioned it to them. One of them went to my desk and said, "OMG, why is that thing facing you???". Word has it that when it is positioned to face me, it is taking wealth away from me. Is this possible?

The boss that wanted him removed has left. He escaped from designing any of his own courses which all the rest of the office got saddled with. He gets TWO "assistants" and he still complains of "so much work". He nows sits down and just orders his "staff" around. One of his staff says that he doesn't mind being stressed out doing the job even though he is getting no monetary returns... This is all just NOT making any sense!

Anyway, being one who does not want to take any chances, I was advised to block the view of the laughing buddha facing me which I did with the use of black mounting boards which I put on my table facing him (yup, I no longer have to face him... it's kinda nice and peaceful this way really :) ). Let's hope that my luck changes with this move, okay.

Friday, February 08, 2008

sans body hair!!!

A female colleague recently asked me if I made a conscious effort to remove the hair on my arms or if I am naturally hairless. I automatically looked at my arms and replied that I didn’t do anything to remove the hair on my arms. She gave me a knowing smile and said to me that “Men like women who are hairy; they are better in bed” --- this of course, goes without saying, came from a woman who had loads of them (no, no, not men but hair on her body!!). Yup, she has hair on her arms and legs and God know where else (you get the picture).

Okay, I know that what she said to me was a put down, but I guess the hairy backs have got to belief that they too are desirable and sexy and really, who am I to argue about that? Hey, maybe they want to put the depilatory cream companies out of business! Me? Well, I’m happy with the my twin blade guard shaving blades which I use in the shower. I am happy to note that the kind of men whom I attract also like me with a lot less bodily hair. Well, if you ask me, the bodily hair should be on him, not me, but hey, that's merely a matter of personal preference, I guess!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

learning to breathe...

patience i certainly have very little of --- i have been sitting here trying to download my class notes of the varsity's website and it is taking oh, such a looonnggg time, it is almost like watching the grass grow! this e-portal thingy is supposed to make life easier but it seems to be more hell than heaven at the rate things are going now. it's close to 11 pm now and one would think that it should be relatively easy to download the files now since it is low traffic but nope, that is certainly NOT the case. just trying to log onto the system is already a problem and once i get on it, it keeps kicking me out when i try to download the files....hmmm...could there be a gremlin in there, you think???

sigh...i've gotta learn to bbrreeaattthheeeee......inhale.......... and exxxhhaalleeeee......